Our 3 Pillars Greetings: Spirit, Nature, Culture
Pillar 1: Spirit in Storylines
Pillar 2: Land and Nature
Pillar 3: People and Culture
- Life starts from and ends as spirit.
- Everything is spirit, every being has spirit.
- Ignoring or not realizing or undermining this reality is the first and the deadliest human sin that have brought about catastrophe to this life.
- The first and deadliest sin of modern human beings is looking at spirits as sepated from nature and peoples. Therefore, we work towards looking at spirituality and spiritual aspect as inseparable and dependent aspect of life.
- Therefore, ignoring spirits or spiritual aspect in our conservation work is the biggest mistake and the most unsustainable conservation paradigm.
- We are Nature!
- Nature us is! We are not doing good to nature, but to ourselves!
- Separating humans from the rest of nature is the second deadliest sin human beings have committed that have brought about catastrophe to this life. We promote practices that demonstrate human beings as inseparable part of nature.
- We support nature and people have the same rights to live, to be and therefore, human beings should be prevented from undermining the rights of nature and of other communities of beings.
- Customary Laws came into form as an outcome of interactions among spirits, nature and peoples, as an act of human understanding on the inter-relationships and inter-relatedness.
- Live in Balance brings about harmony.
- Harmony rules when everything is in balance.
- Every being came into existence as an act of balancing.
- To promote balance in life among human beings, we Melanesian peoples practice “Agun-Agwe” or “Wita-Waya” system of living, where the “fire” and “water” elements in display. The fire element waters life, and the water element burns life. This is the way to enjoy the pure balance.
- To promote balance in life with other communities of beings, we Melanesian peoples believe that every being has “spirit”, therefore, human beings are limited in actions against other communities of beings.
- Customary Laws ensures spirit, nature and people live in balance, inter-related and inter-dependent.
6 Objectives of Our Work
1: Stories in Storylines
2: Spirit-HotSpots
3: Geographic and Sociculture Maps
Stories in storylines pinpoints Spirit Hotspots that will be identified.
Stories that are kept and passed down for generations by Story-holders and story-tellers provide complete and detailed maps of the Spirit Hotspots.
Spirit hotspots map subjects, objects, places, scapes, and names that are important for life.
When the spirit-hotspots breathe freely, abundance of life is facilitated, the supremacy of the lores of nature is guaranteed, and organism of life and living beings will automatically flourish and multiply.
Geographical and socio-cultural maps of the families and clans within the tribe
Based on the stories and hotspots, maps of the customary area (geography) and of society and culture are produced to allow outline of the Customary Laws.
4: Customary Laws Codified
5: Customary Leadership Officiated
6: Elders are Back to "Stories-House"
Customary Laws binding internally within the customary peoples and customary areas
When storylines are well-documented as geographical & socio-cultural maps, then the Customary Laws will be codified and legalized. This will regulate limitations and guides to human relations and interactions with other communities of beings.
- Geographical map of the tribal area produced and available for the tribes-peopoes; and
- Social and cultural map of the tribal peoples documented and printed.
1 NGO for 1 tribe to legally protect the families and clans and 1 business entity for 1 tribe for carrying out business activities for and within the tribe.
When the codified Customary Laws based on the the laws of nature are legalized, and the modern organizations formally established, then organism of life and living beings will automatically be protected to flourish and multiply in this era.
- We establish 1 NGO as the Confederation of the Tribe’s clans to legally, socially, culturally protect the people and the customary land.
- We establish 1 customary business entity to organise and manage the economy and business activities within the customary area and among the members of the tribe.
Elders look after and nurture both NGO and business entity to function according to the Customary Laws.
When the Customary Elders breathe freely in Story/Spirit-House, stories will be told in detail, abundance in life is nurtured, the supremacy of the lores of nature becomes priority, and organism of life and living beings will automatically flourish and multiply.
- Story-holders as well as stories-elders are restored and reinstated
- Story-House are restored and established to house all activities within the tribe.
"Transition Tribes to Welcome Global Conservation"
1 Tribal Entity based on 1 Customary Law, Led by 1 Council of Elders
1 Business Entity based on Customary Laws within 1 Tribe led by 1 Council of E
Transitioning into the Paths towards World Five: Globally Localized
- Tribes-people live according to Customary Laws within their customary territory.
- Tribes-people organise their social, economic and legal activities under the umbrella of NGO, based on the Customary Laws
- The NGO legally represent the tribe and customary land before modern nation-state (modern government)
- Tribes-people promote the Melanesia Way Conservation across their surrounding tribes, regionally and globally.
- Tribes-people organise their socio-economic activities within the tribal areas as well as among the members of the tribe as a united and one socio-economic entity.
- Tribes-people own their own businesses and carry out activities within the their customary territory.
- Tribes-people own their own wholesales and retail stores.
- Tribes-peoples own their own business zones and economic activities.
- Tribes-people own bank to fund their business and general economic activities.
- Tribes-people welcome foreigners to
- Tribal elders visit each other within their own region and across the region.
- Tribal elders visit modern communities across the globe.
- Tribal elders and customary territories and modern elders as well as territories around the world adopt each other as sister tribes or villages or cities or islands across the globe to protect and save each other.
- Launch the “Adopt a Land” or “Adopt a Tree” or “Adopt a Mountain” Campaigns